“Healthcare providers, as well as young people, need to be more aware that cancer can affect all ages. Being vigilant can allow a cancer diagnosis to be made early when treatment is most effective.”
Canadian Cancer Society
AYA Cancer Reports
- Canadian cancer statistics 2009, Canadian Cancer Society, 2009
- Cancer in young people, Canadian Cancer Society, 2010
- Adolescents & Young Adults with Cancer, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer 2017
- Canadian Framework for the Care and Support of AYA with Cancer, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer, 2019
- Health Care Provider Survey (Student Health Services)
- The global, regional, and national burden of cancer among adolescents and young adults in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a population based study
AYA Cancer HCP Articles
- Diagnostic Delays in Breast Cancer in Young Women: An Emphasis on Healthcare Providers
- What is Known about Breast Cancer in Young Women?